Cover Reveal & Excerpt & Giveaway: Chaos by Christine O’Neil

Today Christine O’Neil and Entangled Teen Ember are revealing the cover for book 1 in The Kardia Chronicles Series, CHAOS. 
Coming out this August!
On to the reveal!

My name is Maggie Raynard. After sixteen years being just plain me, suddenly I can kill people when I lose my temper. Turns out I’m a semi-god, descended from Aphrodite. Sounds cool in theory, but when I accidentally put my ex-boyfriend in a coma, things go downhill pretty fast.

Now some new guy named Mac Finnegan has made it his mission in life to continually piss me off. I’m stuck learning how to use my new powers while also dealing with regular high school problems, and with this—annoying and super-hot—guy all up in my business, I’m about to flip out.
But it gets worse. I just learned there’s this council for semis that wants me dead. They think I’m bad to the bone and when my ex suddenly dies, it’s like everyone is determined to take me out. Mac might turn out to be my only salvation, but he’s got secrets of his own—that may just kill us both.

Exclusive Excerpt

I was done with guys.

Not in that fake, I-say-that-but-deep-down-I-really-want-a-boyfriend kind of way, but in, like, the seriously-I’d-rather-eat-maggoty-cheese kind of way. No relationships. Not for me. Not now and maybe not ever. Who I amwhat I am, and what I’m capable of? Everyone’s better off this way.

“I have to stop at my locker real quick,” I said, veering to the right and cutting through the crush of kids heading straight like wildebeests to a watering hole. Libby followed and then stood by me as I fiddled with the lock.
“What’s that?” She pointed to a white piece of paper sticking out half an inch from one of the slots in the olive metal door.
I tugged the padlock open and flicked the catch with my thumb. “Dunno.” Maybe Bink had left me another note. Bink was my neighbor, bud, and—most days—my ride home. Last time I’d found a note in my locker, it was when his cell phone died and he needed to bail early. I seriously hoped this wasn’t a repeat performance.
I mentally ran down the list of people I could bug for a ride and came up empty. Libby always had to stay after for some activity or another, and I only really had two other people I could call “friends” and neither lived near me. I wrinkled my nose in anticipation of the dirty-sneakers-meets-day-old-bologna smell of a bus filled with kids who’d had last-period gym and opted not to change clothes. 
With a sigh, I pulled open the door and the white rectangle floated to the floor.
Libby bent to grab it and read it out loud. “‘Dear Sad and Lonely…'” She trailed off and went quiet 
for a few seconds until her peachy complexion went hot pink, and then she gasped. “Oh my God. 
Holy… Oh, Mags, you are so not going to like this.”
I snatched the paper from her, trying to ward off the growing pit in my gut.
Dear Sad and Lonely,
Since I can almost guarantee She is about to give you some seriously shite advice like she does every week, let me be the voice of reason. Your boyfriend is just like most high school guys. Cut him some slack and, even better, why not offer to learn how to play some of the games he likes? He’d probably appreciate the effort and might even take you somewhere nice after. If that doesn’t work, sit him down and let him know how you‘re feeling so he can tell you what’s going on with him. Could be that constantly calling the things he likes stupid isn’t the best way to get what you want in this situation, yeah? In any case, don’t let the ramblings of some bitter emo chick who’s probably never had a boyfriend ruin your relationship.
Hope it helps,
The shock was too thick to let the anger in right away, but as stunned as I was, I knew exactly who was behind this. There was only one person in the whole school who would use the word “shite.”
Mac Finnegan.
Opinionated, annoying, hot—did I mention annoying?—Mac Finnegan, who had barely given me the time of day since he‘d come to Crestwood High a couple months ago. Mac Finnegan, who thought he was soooo cool with his Irish accent and his mocking smile. Mac Finnegan, who inexplicably made me want to lick him like an ice cream cone and then immediately rinse my mouth out with acid.
How had he discovered my secret? Only Bink and Libby knew I was the girl behind “That’s What She Said,” and I would have bet everything I owned that neither of them would have ratted me out.
Didn’t matter, though. One way or another, he knew. Even worse, he’d chosen to taunt me with it. Bitter emo chick who’s probably never had a boyfriend, indeed. I had a boyfriend once and it hadn’t ended well for either of us. I was in no rush to repeat the experience. Besides, what did this Irish asshat care?
Anger tightened my chest. I could feel the power rising in me, clawing to get out, roaring to be heard. The hair on my arms stood on end as I tried to breathe through it, to let the fury dissipate and flow out of my pores in harmless pings of energy, but it was no use. I pressed a hand to my locker and opened up the tiniest of escape valves, the spout of the teakettle, whistling off a stream of steam. The cheap metal instantly heated against my skin, the door buckling and warping on the spot just beneath my fingertips.
“Uh, Mags—” Libby whispered urgently, but a male voice cut her off.
“How’s it going there, Libby? Maggie.”
I turned around, still trying to catch my breath, and there he was, strolling by, a grin splitting his sinfully beautiful face.
Mac Finnegan, who had decided that being the new kid wasn’t bad enough, so he had to actively go out of his way to make enemies. Mac Finnegan, who wanted to turn my world upside down rather than minding his own business. Mac Finnegan, who didn’t know the meaning of live and let live.
Mac Finnegan, who clearly had no idea who he was fucking with.

About Christine:

Christine O’Neil was born and raised in Connecticut, where she spent most of her childhood outdoors catching salamanders, frogs and colds. When she wasn’t terrorizing Mother Nature, she was curled up under the covers with her nose in a book. As an adult, she’s stopped stalking amphibians, but still loves books. When she isn’t reading, she likes to spend her time people-watching. In fact, she’s probably watching you RIGHT NOW O_O She’s also pretty obsessed with writing YA books, but if she had to pick another profession she would be a ninja…or a Professor of the Dark Arts. 

New Cover♥Excerpt: Stained by Cheryl Rainfield

The cover changed due to Barnes and Noble’s request, stating that the first cover was too graphic.

Below is the first cover, do you think it is too graphic? Do you think the cover needs to change? Which one do you prefer? I personally liked the first cover ><.

Here’s a video on why Cheryl Rainfield wrote Stained. 🙂

Excerpts from STAINED by Cheryl Rainfield. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Oct 1, 2013.

Excerpt from p. 2
Today is the day I’ve been waiting for my entire life—the beginning of normal.
I reach for the latest Seventeen and flip through its glossy pages until I find the perfect face. The girl is pretty, with wide green eyes, hollow cheekbones, and full, pouty lips. But what I notice most is her smooth, unblemished skin. It’s perfect. I cut the photo out and stick it above my bed, in the last of the space. Now I can’t even see the sunlight yellow of my walls—but the confidence that shines in these faces is even brighter. And today I’m going to get so much closer to that. I don’t care how much the treatments hurt; it’ll be worth it. It can’t hurt as much as the stares and rude comments I get every day.
I know I shouldn’t let people’s ignorance get to me. Mom’s always telling me I’m beautiful; that it’s what’s inside that counts. But she’s not living in the real world. Sure, whether you’re kind or good matters. But pretty people automatically get better treatment. Ugly people get ignored … if they’re lucky. And me, I get stares, taunts, or people going out of their way to pretend they don’t see me.
I try to think of it as fuel for my comic scripts. All heroes have to go through personal trauma before they find their true strength—and most of them feel like outsiders even after they do.

Book Trailer for Stained.

Excerpt♥Giveaway: Touch by Melissa Haag


A touch. That’s all it takes for Tessa to know her future with a boy. Her mom tells her she needs to choose her best option before she turns seventeen. Problem is, she sees all her ‘options’ dying before they turn thirty. That may have worked for the last fourteen generations of women in her family tree, but she can’t choose and condemn someone to an early grave.

An unfortunate incident at school starts a chain of events that reveals a centuries old chaos demon and a chance to remove her ‘gift’ forever.


“Tessa,” a deep rumbling voice quietly drifted to me, “its Morik.  Open your eyes.”
My heart gave a little flutter at the sudden sound of his voice.  I took a calming breath and pushed any fear I had aside.  He told me to open my eyes as if I’d purposely closed them, as if they actually listened to me.  I tried opening them anyway and to my surprise, it worked.
It took a moment for them to adjust to the darkened room, the only light coming from under the bedroom door.  I heard the TV on in the living room.  I’d always thought they went to bed after I did.
“Can you turn on the reading light?” I whispered not wanting to turn on the bedroom light.
A quiet click later, the dim yellow glow from the light blinded me.  Usually kept in a kitchen drawer for emergencies, I’d snagged it when I’d gone for a glass of water before brushing out my hair.  I’d thought I’d need it to stumble around outside in the dark.
I sat up in bed, mentally bracing myself.  No fear, I reminded myself as I swung my legs over the edge of the mattress and turned toward the light.
He wasn’t as I remembered him.

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Excerpt♥Giveaway: Touch by Melissa Haag


A touch. That’s all it takes for Tessa to know her future with a boy. Her mom tells her she needs to choose her best option before she turns seventeen. Problem is, she sees all her ‘options’ dying before they turn thirty. That may have worked for the last fourteen generations of women in her family tree, but she can’t choose and condemn someone to an early grave.

An unfortunate incident at school starts a chain of events that reveals a centuries old chaos demon and a chance to remove her ‘gift’ forever.


“Tessa,” a deep rumbling voice quietly drifted to me, “its Morik.  Open your eyes.”
My heart gave a little flutter at the sudden sound of his voice.  I took a calming breath and pushed any fear I had aside.  He told me to open my eyes as if I’d purposely closed them, as if they actually listened to me.  I tried opening them anyway and to my surprise, it worked.
It took a moment for them to adjust to the darkened room, the only light coming from under the bedroom door.  I heard the TV on in the living room.  I’d always thought they went to bed after I did.
“Can you turn on the reading light?” I whispered not wanting to turn on the bedroom light.
A quiet click later, the dim yellow glow from the light blinded me.  Usually kept in a kitchen drawer for emergencies, I’d snagged it when I’d gone for a glass of water before brushing out my hair.  I’d thought I’d need it to stumble around outside in the dark.
I sat up in bed, mentally bracing myself.  No fear, I reminded myself as I swung my legs over the edge of the mattress and turned toward the light.
He wasn’t as I remembered him.
He stood near my desk, holding the light loosely in his hand, watching me.  The light created small shadows on his very real skin.  I held myself still focusing on slow even breathing while I studied his face.
Pitch back hair fell in soft short waves back from his brow.  The tips of his ears, about the same size as my own, poked through the thick waves extending his ears by another inch.  Two worry lines marred his smooth wide brow.  In the dim light, the color of his skin hinted at Native American, but with a greyish cast.  I wondered if it was due to the shadows.  Then, his eyes captivated me.  Swirling prisms of color, his irises contrasted the muddied backdrop of the whites of his eyes.  The difference between the two as scary as it was beautiful.
He held himself still as I continued to study him, though his wide full lips turned down in a slight frown.  I noticed his lower lip protruded slightly as if he had an under bite.  Before I had time to study his mouth further, I discerned a slight dent in his chin.  Not quite a butt chin, but still a strong one.
My eyes drifted down.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt.  Why wasn’t he wearing a shirt?  My eyes did a quick travel lower and I breathed in relief at the sight of kaki cargo pants.  Calmer, I went back to his chest.  No hair sprinkled his skin there, everything lean muscle.  He was right.  He did blend well.  Better than my first glimpse of him.  I forced my eyes back up to his face not wanting to be rude.  His body looked very human, unlike his eyes and ears.
Seeing the real him without fear?  Check.  Touching him…  “So, where exactly am I supposed to touch you?”  I kept my voice low so no one would hear.  The no shirt business made me wary.
You can read the first part of the book on Amazon.
Melissa Haag

3 ecopies of Touch via Smashwords codes.

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Excerpt♥Giveaway: Altered by Coletti

When Toni, Joseph and Charlie arrive at their new boarding school, they are glad to leave their families — and respective problems — behind. Isolated as boarders, they meet ahandsome senior with a personality like iced snake’s blood, teachers with a penchant for physical punishment, and four other outcasts who reveal that their being brought to the Academy wasn’t random at all. When the arrivals discover that their new school is engaged in “behavior modification” through electric shocks, isolation, restraints, and an ever-evolving set of methods to “fix” them, they declare war on their Academy. During their campaign of sabotage, they fight, hate, scorn, love, and begin to uncover the reasons why they were brought to the school. But as their war against the school escalates beyond their control, will they become the very things the Academy believes they are: dangerous, delinquent — and mad?

Altered: Excerpt #3


“Careful … the guard is pacing,” Charlie whispered. “We have to wait until he passes to talk.”

Toni nodded, shifting in her bus seat. She cast a glance over at Lieutenant who was sitting further up front. She didn’t look back. Careful. That was what they all needed to be.

The bus guard began walking in the other direction. They waited until he was just out of earshot.

“They can’t do this,” Toni alleged. “There has to be some law against it. Shocking your own students? There is no other place that does this, at least not in America!”

“Actually there is,” Charlie said dismally. “I lived near it in Massachusetts. They use electric shock devices there too. And there’s tons of schools and centers and camps that use isolation, observation, stress positions, all sorts of things. They can get away with it if our parents give permission, and ours clearly did.”

“But why?” Toni hissed. “Why are they treating us like prisoners, worse than prisoners? Why would our parents agree to that?”

“Simple,” Charlie said grimly. “They think we’re dangerous enough that it warrants it.”

“But we’re not —” Toni stopped, and they both were silent as the guard walked down their end, paused, and then turned to walk back to the front of the bus.

“But we aren’t dangerous,” Toni whispered fiercely. Charlie was silent. “Are we?”

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule
Monday, Jan. 28:

Tuesday, Jan. 29:

Wednesday, Jan. 30:

Thursday, Jan. 31:

Friday, Feb. 1:

Saturday, Feb. 2:

Excerpt♥Giveaway: Altered by Coletti

When Toni, Joseph and Charlie arrive at their new boarding school, they are glad to leave their families — and respective problems — behind. Isolated as boarders, they meet ahandsome senior with a personality like iced snake’s blood, teachers with a penchant for physical punishment, and four other outcasts who reveal that their being brought to the Academy wasn’t random at all. When the arrivals discover that their new school is engaged in “behavior modification” through electric shocks, isolation, restraints, and an ever-evolving set of methods to “fix” them, they declare war on their Academy. During their campaign of sabotage, they fight, hate, scorn, love, and begin to uncover the reasons why they were brought to the school. But as their war against the school escalates beyond their control, will they become the very things the Academy believes they are: dangerous, delinquent — and mad?

Altered: Excerpt #3


“Careful … the guard is pacing,” Charlie whispered. “We have to wait until he passes to talk.”

Toni nodded, shifting in her bus seat. She cast a glance over at Lieutenant who was sitting further up front. She didn’t look back. Careful. That was what they all needed to be.

The bus guard began walking in the other direction. They waited until he was just out of earshot.

“They can’t do this,” Toni alleged. “There has to be some law against it. Shocking your own students? There is no other place that does this, at least not in America!”

“Actually there is,” Charlie said dismally. “I lived near it in Massachusetts. They use electric shock devices there too. And there’s tons of schools and centers and camps that use isolation, observation, stress positions, all sorts of things. They can get away with it if our parents give permission, and ours clearly did.”

“But why?” Toni hissed. “Why are they treating us like prisoners, worse than prisoners? Why would our parents agree to that?”

“Simple,” Charlie said grimly. “They think we’re dangerous enough that it warrants it.”

“But we’re not —” Toni stopped, and they both were silent as the guard walked down their end, paused, and then turned to walk back to the front of the bus.

“But we aren’t dangerous,” Toni whispered fiercely. Charlie was silent. “Are we?”

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Excerpt♥Giveaway: Kiss Me by Jullian Dodd

Title:  Kiss Me (The Keatyn Chronicles: Book Two)

Genre:Romance, Mature Young Adult
Author:Jillian Dodd
Release date:Wednesday, November 28th. STALK ME (book #1) will be on sale for .99 the week of Nov. 26 – Dec. 1. It will return to its normal price of $2.99 on Dec. 2.
Buy links:
Book Description:
I’ve always written scripts for my perfect life.
But no way could I have ever scripted this.
My life is so far from perfect, it’s not even funny.
All because of a stalker.
I’m at a boarding school where I have to lie about who I am.
I can’t see my family.
I’m tutoring a hottie god that tortures me with his smile.
The most popular girl already hates me.
But there’s this boy.
This hot, sweet, sexy boy.
So I’m going to stop trying to script my life and just live it.
Because who knows how long I have left.

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Excerpt♥Giveaway: Kiss Me by Jullian Dodd

Title:  Kiss Me (The Keatyn Chronicles: Book Two)

Genre:Romance, Mature Young Adult
Author:Jillian Dodd
Release date:Wednesday, November 28th. STALK ME (book #1) will be on sale for .99 the week of Nov. 26 – Dec. 1. It will return to its normal price of $2.99 on Dec. 2.
Buy links:
Book Description:
I’ve always written scripts for my perfect life.
But no way could I have ever scripted this.
My life is so far from perfect, it’s not even funny.
All because of a stalker.
I’m at a boarding school where I have to lie about who I am.
I can’t see my family.
I’m tutoring a hottie god that tortures me with his smile.
The most popular girl already hates me.
But there’s this boy.
This hot, sweet, sexy boy.
So I’m going to stop trying to script my life and just live it.
Because who knows how long I have left.

Gossip Girl meets Hollywood in this steamy new series by That Boy author, Jillian Dodd.

Keatyn has everything she ever dreamed. Her life is following the script she wrote for the perfect high school experience. She’s popular, goes to the best parties, dates the hottest guy, and sits at the most-coveted lunch table.  

She’s just not sure she wants it anymore.

Because, really, things aren’t all that perfect.
Her best friend is threatening to tell everyone her perfect relationship is a scam.
Her perfect boyfriend gets drunk at every party they go to.
It’s exhausting always trying to look and act perfect.
And, deep down, she isn’t sure if she has any true friends.

To add to the drama, her movie star mom has a creepy stalker.
A hot, older man flirts with her and tells her they should make a movie together.
And she’s crushing on an adorable surfer. Dating him would mean committing social suicide.

So she writes a new script. One where all the pieces of her life will come together in perfect harmony. 
But little does she know, there’s someone who will do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Buy links for STALK ME:
Amazon | B&N | Kobo

Excerpt #1
He leads me out of the party and across the hall, opens the door to an empty dorm room, turns on a lamp, then gently pushes me up against the door and kisses me.
Again, it’s a slow, soft, amazing kiss. The kind of kiss that makes me feel like he’s kissing my soul.
Oh my gosh. What the heck does that even mean? Kissing my soul? I’m seriously losing it here.
It’s official. Almost getting kidnapped has affected me. I definitely have some sort of post-traumatic stress thing, and the symptoms must include having irrational thoughts about Hottie Gods.
Aiden’s hands are very appropriately placed around my waist and are not moving.
Damn it, man.
Move your hands.
Kiss me with your tongue.
Take my shirt off.
Attack me already. Please! I can’t take it anymore.
But I don’t say any of that. I just savor each and every slow, amazing, and tongue-free kiss.
Maybe he was born without a tongue, I think for a brief second, but then I realize that I am dumb because he wouldn’t be able to talk if he had been, now would he?
He stops kissing me and looks deep into my eyes. I seriously should have guzzled a few shots the second I got here.
But I had no idea he would be here!
The way he’s looking at me is sorta unnerving but, at the same time, like the kiss, it electrifies me. His face is close to mine, but not so much that he is, like, blurry to look at. I figure if he can stare at me, then I can stare back.
And I take in every curve and angle of his face.
The way his jawline is flexing slightly. How his eyelashes are a dark, dark brown and curl upward. How he has a sexy teeny freckle just to the side of his left cheek. How his textbook lips are the exact color of the pale pink roses Tommy gave Mom for their anniversary, and how the sides of his mouth are turning up, starting to smile at me. He blinks slowly. When his eyes open, I study the emerald green of his irises, how they have little flecks of blue in them and maybe even a little gold around the edges. I feel like time is standing still again.
He slides his hands up into my hair and leans in to kiss me again. My body is trying to be good, but I can’t stop it from leaning into him. Melding to his body. I could stay this way forever.
He stops kissing me, looks deeply into my eyes again, and tells me he loves me.
Oh, wait.
He didn’t say that.
I just thought that.
Well, I thought his eyes told me that.
Shut up! It’s what it felt like.
And what the hell is with the going so slow? Does he not want to make out with me? Is he gay?
Finally he says, “You should probably go back and check on your friend. Those guys will get her drunk and take advantage of her.”
“We didn’t drink before we came. She can’t be drunk yet, and you promised me a drink.”
“Also, I don’t want people to notice we’ve been gone very long. They’ll think we’re having sex. We don’t want to ruin your reputation on your second day.”
“I think maybe you just don’t want to be alone with me. I don’t understand. You act like you’re all into me, but then we barely kiss.”
I get irritated and frustrated by this, but no way am I going to be the one to move things along.
And I thought he was a player.
So why isn’t he trying to play me? To use me? To take advantage of me?
I shoulda pretended to be drunk, maybe? 

Author Information

Jillian Dodd grew up on a farm in Nebraska, where she developed a love for Midwestern boys and Nebraska football. She has drank from a keg in a cornfield, attended the University of Nebraska, got to pass her candle, and did have a boy ask her to marry him in a bar. She met her own prince in college, and they have two amazing children, a Maltese named Sugar Bear, and two Labrador puppies named Camber Lacy and Cali Lucy.
She is the author of the That Boy Trilogy and The Keatyn Chronicles Series.

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